Margaret Richards became a minister in 1994 as a result of numerous prophetic dreams the Lord gave her throughout 1987. In each of these dreams, she was standing behind the pulpit ministering to thousands – to both men and women. She didn't understand these dreams at first -- thinking women couldn't be ministers -- but God confirmed this call through two divine appointments: The first came through the Pastor and Elders of the First Christian Church where she attended and then through a visiting minister. Both confirmed this calling of God and her life, they laid hands on her and released the Lord to bring her calling into fruition.
Margaret spent approximately 12 years helping people out of the occult. It was through these experiences that God trained her in Authority, Power, Hearing God, Obedience, Love, Faith without fear, Intercession, Discernment and the Spiritual Realm -- its reality and how it works. The Power of God and the Blood of Jesus were her constant companion and enabled her to be successful in her ministry.
Wanting something different she then asked God to transition her to another line of service. In April of 2001, He shifted her into the arena of Intercessor. She interceded for America, asked forgiveness for past sins, and interceded for the President. She accomplished this by traveling to different key states led by a renowned ministry whose founder was called by God to repent for the sins of our Nation in order to intercede and bring revival, and to ultimately turn the heart of this Nation back to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was during this time that God increased her level of Authority and deepened her understanding of the accomplishment of the Cross through Jesus Christ. Powerful displays of God’s power and authority were an almost daily event. God is Almighty. He is filled with Power. He is Lord. And worthy…very worthy... of Praise. He is God and God alone. No one matches Him in Splendor or Majesty.
Then on Thanksgiving Day 2009, the Lord asked Margaret IF she would go through a battle, which He likened in strength to an F5 Tornado. She would contend for 5 different areas against the enemy. A strong battle she wasn’t guaranteed to make it through. Somewhat reluctant she let the Lord know her heart, that she did not really want to accept this assignment, but then knowing it was HIS will she submitted her will to His and accepted the challenge. The Lord immediately confirmed this assignment through two other well-known ministers from the Midwest, where they informed her that this was an Elijah versus the Prophets of Baal assignment. They gave her a starting point and the battle was on. She won the final ‘two’ of the ‘five’ area’s this past October 23, 2017. Victory!!! This assignment shifted her even higher realms of Authority she did not know was possible. He increased her in the arenas of Faith, Knowledge, calling those things that are not as though they were, the Power of the Decree, and the Power of the Cross and what Jesus accomplished on that Cross for every believer. Although Satan may seem to hold power and it may seem like great power when in truth it is all rendered powerless because of what Jesus did on that cross. Jesus is the head over all rule and all authority, He has cleansed you and forgave you of every sin, making you untouchable, He has canceled out the Certificate of Debt…every curse…that could come against you, and He has Triumphed over the enemy through Jesus Christ. Now that’s something to shout about.
During these years Margaret did much stretching and interceding for God’s calling to bring Truth – the Spirit of Truth – to the Church and to fulfill individual and corporate promises. God taught her the importance of Faith and of believing God’s promises no matter what the eye may see. She has seen heart problems healed, inability to swallow/eat healed, aspiration pneumonia healed, cancer healed, appendicitis healed, people dying raised back up and healed, internal bleeding healed, and much more.