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Our Mission

Life in Christ TV is an apostolic, prophetic and teaching ministry that is used to empower Christians throughout America and the world. Margaret is known for her powerful testimonies from applying the Word of God to every situation. The Love and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Cross has cleansed us from all unrighteousness, defeated our enemies, removed every curse, and triumphed over our enemy…the devil…not people.  The power of obedience and faith in Him will bring YOU to a place of victory that is only achieved “In HIM”. She has a desire to see the church rise up to a place of maturity…walking in the knowledge of Him. She cuts through challenging beliefs and brings revelation and alignment to many believers.


Life In Christ’s desire is to teach the Christian believer to believe in the Gospel…the Cross, to be strong in faith and in the power of His Might, and to equip them to help others. The Wisdom of God’s Word can help you with any situation


Most generally her anointed teachings will fall into the following categories: Power & Authority, The Power of the Cross, the Power of Decreeing, Faith, Repentance, Forgiveness, Prayer, the reality of the Spiritual Realm, Warfare, Obedience, Intercession, Hearing God, Angelic visitations, Gifts from God, The Blessing of Abraham, The Curse, and Victory through Jesus.


Margaret Richards walks in integrity, seeking to please only Him.  May each sermon, each Word, and every Prayer glorify Him and may it be anointed so that YOU, become all you can be in Christ Jesus.


Join us in what we do—equip and train others. Learn from the teachings  through Youtube sermons, hosted guests, our blogs, and become all YOU can be in Jesus.



Our desire is to always honor and bring glory to Jesus Christ alone. May He delight in all we do and guide us in each decision we make.

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